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Leonid Sukhanov
Leonid Sukhanov

Master Compiler Design with A.A. Puntambekar's PDF 71: Concepts, Techniques and Examples

# Compiler Design Book of A.A. Puntambekar PDF 71: A Comprehensive Guide ## Introduction - What is compiler design and why it is important - What are the main topics covered in the book of A.A. Puntambekar - How to download the pdf version of the book ## Overview of Compilation - The phases of compilation: lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, intermediate code generation, code optimization and object code generation - The tools and data structures used in compilation: LEX, YACC, abstract syntax tree, DAG, symbol table, etc. - The challenges and techniques of compilation: bootstrapping, error handling, ambiguous grammar, etc. ## Top Down Parsing - The concept and advantages of top down parsing - The types and methods of top down parsing: recursive descent parsing, predictive parsing, LL(1) parsing - The preprocessing steps and algorithms for top down parsing ## Bottom Up Parsing - The concept and advantages of bottom up parsing - The types and methods of bottom up parsing: shift reduce parsing, LR parsing, LALR parsing - The error recovery and handling techniques for bottom up parsing ## Semantic Analysis - The role and objectives of semantic analysis - The intermediate forms of source programs: abstract syntax tree, polish notation, three address code - The attributed grammars and syntax directed translation schemes for semantic analysis - The type checking and type conversion mechanisms for semantic analysis ## Symbol Tables - The purpose and functions of symbol tables - The format and organization of symbol tables for block structured languages - The hashing and tree structures techniques for symbol table implementation ## Storage Allocation - The need and types of storage allocation: static, stack and heap allocation - The storage allocation strategies for arrays, strings and records - The activation records and runtime environment for storage allocation ## Code Optimization - The scope and benefits of code optimization - The local and global optimization techniques: constant folding, common subexpression elimination, dead code elimination, loop optimization, etc. - The data flow analysis methods for code optimization: flow graph, data flow equations, live variable analysis, copy propagation, etc. ## Object Code Generation - The forms and formats of object code: assembly code, relocatable code, executable code - The machine dependent and independent code optimization techniques: peephole optimization, register allocation and assignment, instruction selection and scheduling, etc. - The generic code generation algorithms and DAG for register allocation ## Conclusion - A summary of the main points and takeaways from the book of A.A. Puntambekar on compiler design - A recommendation and evaluation of the book for students and professionals interested in compiler design ## FAQs - Q1: What is the difference between a compiler and an interpreter? - Q2: What are the advantages and disadvantages of top down parsing and bottom up parsing? - Q3: What are the sources of errors in compilation and how can they be detected and corrected? - Q4: What are the factors that affect the quality and efficiency of code optimization? - Q5: What are the challenges and future trends in compiler design?

compiler design book of aa puntambekar pdf 71




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