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Shankara Ashtanga Yoga was established 15 years ago. Shri. Rajesh Kumar, the founder of SAY, a devoted student of Shri.B.K.S.Iyengar, had a vision to emulate and walk in the steps of his Guru. The vision was that every person should be benefited by the wonderful practice of Yoga and enjoy good physical and mental health. The journey started with a small group of Yoga enthusiasts at a center in Jayanagar Pillar and later one more center started at Thyagarajanagar, both in Bangalore.
The classes were held for three days a week and from there grew a band of dedicated, committed students who are still practicing yoga with us. With the classes catering to students of all age groups, starting with children above 12 years, there was a steady stream of people joining the classes. Word of mouth has been our sole marketing strategy and we had a full house of enthusiastic yoga practitioners who look forward to their yogic practice week after week.
The use of props like rope, belt, brick, chair etc. ensured that everyone, from youngsters to older students, could practice all the asanas. Paying personalized attention to the students’ needs helped them experience improved flexibility, strength and peace of mind.
With an increased student base, a dedicated space was the need of the hour and duly the hunt began to find a centrally located place. Fortunately we found a good space at Jayanagar 3rd block, very close to 4th Block bus stand and metro station. The now well established, state-of-the-art Yoga studio is a well ventilated place, customized to create an ambience which combines energy and calmness at the same time.The open plan of the studio was designed to ensure that all props could be used effectively and conveniently.
At present we have more than 150 regular students and with the advent of online classes, SAY Yoga has spread its wings and has students from different states like Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, and also from countries like United States of America,France and Singapore. Apart from the regular asana classes, SAY conducts special sessions for weight loss, pre-natal preparation and therapy for specific ailments.
To promote holistic physical, mental and spiritual health through the study and practice of Yoga.
Core values that drive our organization are Quality, Integrity, Dedication and Trustworthiness
We ensure that our teaching is consistent as well as innovative.
A wonderful Synergy created between the teacher and the student that helps the student to advance in the yoga practice.
To the philosophy and teachings of Sage Patanjali.
Which enables the student to commit to a regular, steady and long term yogic practice.
To welcome people of all ages regardless of their physical condition to reap the benefits of this wonderful practice and provide them with therapeutic options when needed.
To teach and spread the awareness of the art, science and philosophy of Patanjali Yoga.
To offer training courses, intensive workshops so that students can deepen their yogic practice.
To develop a vibrant community of healthy people, who in turn would spread the wonders of this traditional practice.
Given the diverse cross-section of students, from working professionals, homemakers, students and those who have specific health related therapy needs, the SAY approach to teaching focuses on helping break the limitations which many of us impose on ourselves. The impact of the learning permeates every aspect of our lives – physical, psychological, emotional and karmic.
No matter how old or young, fit or frail you are, the results of practicing yoga are astonishing. Your understanding of asana becomes more sophisticated, your thinking becomes more powerful and your movements become more graceful and strong.
We welcome you to join us. We guide you as you build your strength, become more aware of yourself and achieve harmony in mind and body. We accompany you through your development, making corrections, if necessary, while ensuring that you enjoy each step of the journey.
Our students believe that they are happier and more successful today, being part of a dynamic group whose single goal is holistic, personal transformation.
SAY endorses a style of yoga crafted to individual lifestyles.
We recognize that each individual has unique needs and we respect the individuality.
Hence guidance is provided on a one-on-one basis through dialog and individual needs analysis.
We get to understand the reasons that are stopping you from attaining a more fulfilling life.
Without claiming to be medical specialists or even guaranteeing ‘cures’,
SAY does have a possible solution to a lot of your personal ailments.
The teachers at SAY use their deep understanding of anatomy i.e. how the parts of the body synchronize to support integrated movement to train you on getting the alignment of the asanas right. The belief that alignment, anatomy and Yoga philosophy are interconnected is practiced in every class.
With sustained and disciplined practice you will feel the difference as you progress to living a life full of vibrancy and vitality.
The easily accessible SAY Studio in Jayanagar is an airy and spacious space that hosts classes thru the day. The studio provides props that elevate the practice and makes the asanas more effective. Our state-of- the-art equipment such as heart beds, supportive ropes, yoga belts and tresslers are part of your training and learning.
You can purchase good quality wooden bricks, belts / straps, ropes, Yoga chairs, bolsters and blankets that can be used for practicing at home.
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